January 2017


-Ustekinumab may work in atopic dermatitis
-Biologics prevent cardiovascular disease progression
-Topical permethrin in rosacea
-Severe and specific skin reactions to internet recreational drugs
-More on demodex: humans contaminate pets
-Angiopoietin receptor mutation causes Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus
-More on Bullous Pemphigoid and Alzheimer’s Disease
-Atopic Dermatitis promoted as a Systemic Disorder

FOCUS: Procedural Dermatology (Page 10)

-Polycaprolactone, a new substance for fillers
-Practice gaps exist among cutaneous surgeons
-Surgery gives the highest cure rates of Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis
-Which are the Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma ?
-Dermatosis papulosa nigra
-Prevention of Post-Procedure Ecchymosis or Edema
-A New Treatment for Recalcitrant Common Warts in Children
-A newly introduced HA filler shows higher rate of reactions
-Less Pain with Daylight Photodynamic Therapy

SGDV / SSDV (Page 13)
- 13 - Neumitglieder der SGDV (Teil 1) / Nouveaux membres de la SSDV (Part. 1). März / Mars – November / Novembre 2016 (in French and German)
- 19 - SGDV 99. Jahresversammlung (Bern 7-9.9.2017) / 99ème Réunion annuelle de la SSDV (Berne 7-9.9.2017) - (in French and German)
- 20 - Organisation und Strukturen der SGDV / Organigramme et structure de la SSDV
Vorrede zur neuen Rubrik in Dermatologica Helvetica: Weiterbildungs- und Fortbildungsthemen. Updates der Arbeitsgruppen der SGDV / Avant-propos à la nouvelle rubrique de Dermatologica Helvetica: Sujets de formation post-graduée et continue. Mises à Jour des Groupes de Travail de la SSDV (in French and German)

Sujets de formation post-graduée et continue. Mises à Jour des Groupes de Travail (Page 22)
-Arbeitsgruppe / Groupe de travail - LASER Tattooentfernung mit dem Laser – ein Update / Détatouage laser – mise au point (in French and German)

Report (Page 30)
- 30 - Klinischer Fall: Das SAPHO-Syndrom: Synovitis, Akne, Pustulosis, Hyperostose, Osteitis - Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem klinischen Alltag (in German, en allemand)
- 34 - Klinischer Fall: Die unilaterale inguinale Lymphadenopathie – Wenn ein Herpes genitalis nicht nur ein Herpes war (in German, en allemand)
- 36 - Coup d'Oeil (in German, en allemand)

Terminology (Page 39) (in French and German)
-Xeroderma, Xerodermie, Xeroderma pigmentosum, xerose / Xeroderma, Xerodermie, Xeroderma pigmentosum, xérose

Forum: Childhood Eczema and Germs in the Gut (Page 40)

Photo of the Month (Page 41) (in French and German)