May 2017


-A caveat on brimonidine
-The immune context of Pityriasis versicolor
-Low-histamine diet works in urticaria
-Smokers have higher rates of SCC
-Skin microbiome larger than thought
-Selective blockade of interleukin-23 with risankizumab superior to ustekinumab
-When perifollicular mast cells are stimulated…

FOCUS: Photoprotection and Actinic Keratosis (Page 10)
-Photoprotection should now be "active"
-Testing sunscreens getting more difficult
-Photoprotection at the fashion week
-Cataract linked to skin cancers
-Calcipotriol synergy with 5-fluorouracil
-Something new to treat disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis

14 - [Nationale Hautkrebs-Kampagne (NHKK) 2017 / Campagne Nationale 2017 contre le Cancer de la Peau] (French and German)
15 - [Nationale Hautkrebskampagne der SGDV / Campagne nationale SSDV contre le cancer de la peau] (French and German)

Conferences (Page 21) (German)
-[7. Zürcher Dermatologische Fortbildungstage. 14.-16. Juni 2017]
-[125 Jahre Dermatologie Bern Zwischen Tradition und Innovation (inselspital Bern). 29.06.2017]

Continuing Medical Education (in French and German) : [Forbilidung und Arbeitsgruppe / Sujets de formation post-graduée et continue Mises à Jour des Groupes de Travail]
26 - [Arbeitsgruppe Phlebologie und Wundheilung Groupe de travail phlébologie et plaies]

29 - Portrait: Portrait Francesca Ghitti

30 - Case Report
A case of lichen planus actinus variant melasma-like treated with systemic glucocorticoids and topical tacrolimus
33 - Coup d’oeil
35 - Coup d’oeil (German)

37 - Photo of the Month (French and German)

40 - Forum - Healthy Aging. The Secret to Prevent Scars


41 - Strophulus (in French and German)

42 - Moderate to severe psoriasis
IL-17A inhibitor ixekizumab with previously unachieved response rates