October 2021


Neutrophils Key Players in Stevens- Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis?
Rosacea and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism Compatible With Vascular Quiescence Instability Concept
Skin Tags/Acrochordons Are Associated With FGFR3 and Ras Gene Mutations in Epidermis Like Seborrheic Keratosis
Hydroxychloroquine in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: How and When to Discontinue
Exposomics and Skin Diseases: From Exposure Assessment to Biological Responses
A Naturally Occurring Soil Actinobacterium as a New Treatment for Scabies

FOCUS (page 8)
Janus Kinase Inhibitors Closer to Approval for the Treatment of Adults With Alopecia Areata?
Topical Glutamic Acid Promotes Hair Growth: a Novel Minoxidil?
Oral Spironolactone as a Sound Option in Androgenic Alopecia
Hair Transplantation: Follicular Units as the Exclusive Structures for Hair Grafts
Post-Covid-19 Telogen Effluvium: Earlier but Shorter?
Obesity Accelerates Hair Thinning by Stem Cell-centric Converging Mechanisms

Groupe de travail dermato-oncologie (page 12)
Mise au point sur l’immunothérapie dans la prise en charge du carcinome épidermoïde cutané localement avancé ou métastatique

REPORTS (page 16)
Anaphylaxie beim Apero - infolge Allergie auf Insektenbe- standteile in gewachster Orangenrinde
Ein besonderer Ausschlag
Ein hartnäckiges Feriensouvenir

PORTRAIT (page 26)

Photo of the month (page 29)

Terminologie (page 32)
Merkelzelle / Cellule de Merkel

Indistrie (page 38)
"Immuntherapie und Hautmikrobiom beeinflussen sich"