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Erythematous nodules coalescing into a hyperkeratotic plaque

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:38 pm
by Damjan S. Nikolic
Dear colleagues,

I have the following case to share for your thoughts :


- 50 year old female
- Painless acquired unique lesion of 2 months duration


- FBC, LFT, Renal function normal
- ESR was 50
- No biopsy performed (not available)

What would be your diagnosis or differential diagnosis ?

hyperkeratotis plaque upp inner thigh.jpg
hyperkeratotis plaque upp inner thigh.jpg (76.81 KiB) Viewed 42879 times

Re: Erythematous nodules coalescing into a hyperkeratotic pl

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 12:14 pm
by CFH
On the facebook page: out of the 50k photo views and 800+ forum topic visits, here are a few comments (50+) that I found interesting:

-"I think its not spot diagnosis. One can make a list of differential diagnosis. Standard medical approach is then needed to reach to the final diagnosis...
...1. My differential would be cutaneous leishmaniasis , BCC, tuberculosis verruca cutis". And need a biopsy an H/o of disease...

-leishmaniasis was mentioned 27 times
-tuberculosis verruca cutis was mentioned 17 times

For the full list of answers: (Title: "Clinical Case from the online Dermatologica Helvetica discussion forum")