Octobre 2020



No Risk of Skin Cancer from Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: At Least The Proof of Evidence.
Genital Molluscum Contagiosum Increasing Incidence: Here are the European Guidelines for Management
Itching on a Healing Wound: Here Is the Mechanism but not yet the Answer: Is it Good or Bad?
Commensal Microbiota Drive Wound Healing: Good Microbes Are Stimulating Sentinels
Sex Affects Gene Expression and its Genetic Regulation Across Tissues: 33% Differences Between Women and Men

FOCUS (page 10)
Oral Minoxidil Effective & Safe for a Variety of Hair Loss
Caffeine May Prevent Stress-Induced Hair Loss
Cyclosporine Useless in Severe Alopecia Areata
The Current Concerns with Biotin Supplementation
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia Should Be Renamed To Lichen Planopilaris... of Kossard
Hair-Bearing Skin Grown in a Dish: A Future Clinical Therapy

SKIN & COVID19 (page 14)
Experimental Data on Masks: Particle Emission by Mask-Wearers Into the Surrounding Air
Experimental Data on Masks: Scanning Electron Microscopy Reveals the Structure of Masks and its Implications
Experimental Data on Masks: Tools to Reduce Friction Skin Injury
The Optimal Test Timing After Onset in Patients with COVID-19 Associated Dermatologic Manifestations Is: 1 to 14 days for PCR and 19 to 39 days for SEROLOGY

SGDV / SSDV (page 18)
Neumitglieder der SGDV / Nouveaux membres de la SSDV

Reports (page 28)
Allergische Soforttypreaktion auf Ixekizumab

Portraits (page 32)

Photo of the month (page 36)

Terminologie (page 39)
Sézary Syndrom (1938)

Industrie (page 40)
PIGMANORM®CREME Widmer. Die einzigartige Wirkstoffkombination bei Hyperpigmentierungen
Déclaration d’experts Sensicutan®
Neue1st-in-ClassPhase-3-Daten von TREMFYA® (Guselkumab) zeigen eine Verbesserung bei Gelenk- und Hautsymptomen der Psoriasis-Arthritis in Woche 52