Septembre 2021


The Immune System in the Microenvironment of Benign Melanocytic Naevi Suggests a New Strategic Model for Melanoma Immuno Prevention
Topical Cannabis for Venous Leg Ulcers... What Else...
Skin Surface Commensal Microbes Regulate Keratinocyte Functions via Signalling Through the Dioxin Receptor
Tattos: Concerns on the Toxicity of Photodegradation Products of Pigments by Sunlight, Lasers, and Metabolism
Upadacitinib an Oral Jak Inhibitor With Increased Selectivity for Jak1 Is Superior to Dupilumab in Atopic Dermatitis... But Induces Acne Flares in 15% of Patients

FOCUS (page 8)
What Matters the Most to Adult Women With Acne? An Inglorious Status for Dermatologists!
Cadi...the Cardiff Acne Disabi- Lity Index Is a Reliable and Valid Tool, but Often Badly Reported
The Importance of Cutibacterium Acnes in the Etiology of Acne Is Downgraded in the New Pathogenesis Understanding
Acne Patients May Soon Be Reallocated to Non-dermatologists and Even Non-physicians
Adipose Tissue Loss and Body Weight Decrease Through Sebum Hypersecretion: an Unexpected Scenario !

SGDV / SSDV (page 14)
Neumitglieder der SGDV August 2021 / Nouveaux membres de la SSDV août 2021

REPORTS (page 16)
Spezielle Manifestationen von Hauttumoren
Perianale Erosionen und Ulzera mit Randwall
Papillomatöse Plaques und Ulzera bei ausgeprägtem Lymphödem an den unteren Extremitäten, erfolgreich behandelt mit Midostaurin
Ein banales Ulcus cruris?
Der zufällig aufgefundene Knoten am Bauchnabel
Das neu aufgetretene Knötchen am Unterlid
Der schwarze Knoten im Kindesalter: Atypisch oder nicht?
Herdförmig aggregierte, vesikulöse, glasig-livide Knötchen an den Oberschenkeln

Photo of the month (page 41)

Terminologie (page 42)
Myiasis migrans linearis, larva migrans, creeping disease